

010010财务经理 (Financial managers)
010011人力资源经理 (Human resources managers)
010012采购经理 (Purchasing managers)
010019其他行政服务经理 (Other administrative services managers)
010020保险、房地产和金融经纪经理 (Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers)
010021银行、信贷和其他投资经理 (Banking, credit and other investment managers)
010022广告、市场和公共关系经理 (Advertising, marketing and public relations managers)
010029其他商业服务经理 (Other business services managers)
010030电信运营商经理 (Telecommunication carriers managers)
020010工程经理 (Engineering managers)
020011建筑和科学经理 (Architecture and science managers)
020012计算机和信息系统经理 (Computer and information systems managers)
030010医疗保健经理 (Managers in health care)
040010政府经理 – 健康和社会政策发展及项目管理 (Government managers – health and social policy development and program administration)
040011政府经理 – 经济分析、政策发展及项目管理 (Government managers – economic analysis, policy development and program administration)
040012政府经理 – 教育政策发展及项目管理 (Government managers – education policy development and program administration)
040019其他公共行政经理 (Other managers in public administration)
040020高等教育和职业培训管理员 (Administrators – post-secondary education and vocational training)
040021小学和中学教育的校长和管理员 (School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education)
040030社会、社区和矫正服务经理 (Managers in social, community and correctional services)
040040委任警官及相关公共保护职业 (Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services)
040041消防队长和高级消防官 (Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers)
040042加拿大武装部队委任军官 (Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces)
050010图书馆、档案馆、博物馆和艺术画廊经理 (Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers)
050011出版、电影、广播和表演艺术经理 (Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts)
050012娱乐、体育和健身项目及服务总监 (Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors)
060010企业销售经理 (Corporate sales managers)
060020零售和批发贸易经理 (Retail and wholesale trade managers)
060030餐厅和食品服务经理 (Restaurant and food service managers)
060031住宿服务经理 (Accommodation service managers)
060040客户和个人服务经理 (Managers in customer and personal services)
070010建筑经理 (Construction managers)
070011家庭建筑和装修经理 (Home building and renovation managers)
070012设施运营和维护经理 (Facility operation and maintenance managers)
070020运输经理 (Managers in transportation)
070021邮政和快递服务经理 (Postal and courier services managers)
080010自然资源生产和渔业经理 (Managers in natural resources production and fishing)
080020农业经理 (Managers in agriculture)
080021园艺经理 (Managers in horticulture)
080022水产养殖经理 (Managers in aquaculture)
090010制造业经理 (Manufacturing managers)
090011公用事业经理 (Utilities managers)


111100财务审计师和会计师 (Financial auditors and accountants)
111101财务和投资分析师 (Financial and investment analysts)
111102财务顾问 (Financial advisors)
111103证券代理、投资经纪人 (Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers)
111109其他财务官员 (Other financial officers)
111200人力资源专业人员 (Human resources professionals)
111201商业管理咨询专业人员 (Professional occupations in business management consulting)
111202广告、市场和公共关系专业人员 (Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations)
121100物理学家和天文学家 (Physicists and astronomers)
121101化学家 (Chemists)
121102地球科学家和海洋学家 (Geoscientists and oceanographers)
121103气象学家和气候学家 (Meteorologists and climatologists)
121109其他物理科学专业职业 (Other professional occupations in physical sciences)
121110生物学家及相关科学家 (Biologists and related scientists)
121111林业专业人员 (Forestry professionals)
121112农业代表、顾问和专家 (Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists)
121120公共和环境健康及安全专业人员 (Public and environmental health and safety professionals)
121200建筑师 (Architects)
121201景观建筑师 (Landscape architects)
121202城市和土地使用规划师 (Urban and land use planners)
121203土地测量师 (Land surveyors)
121210数学家、统计学家和精算师 (Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries)
121211数据科学家 (Data scientists)
121220网络安全专家 (Cybersecurity specialists)
121221商业系统专家 (Business systems specialists)
121222信息系统专家 (Information systems specialists)
121223数据库分析师和数据管理员 (Database analysts and data administrators)
121230计算机系统开发人员和程序员 (Computer systems developers and programmers)
121231软件工程师和设计师 (Software engineers and designers)
121232软件开发人员和程序员 (Software developers and programmers)
121233网页设计师 (Web designers)
121234网页开发人员和程序员 (Web developers and programmers)
121300土木工程师 (Civil engineers)
121301机械工程师 (Mechanical engineers)
121310电气和电子工程师 (Electrical and electronics engineers)
121311计算机工程师(不包括软件工程师和设计师) (Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers))
121320化学工程师 (Chemical engineers)
121321工业和制造工程师 (Industrial and manufacturing engineers)
121322冶金和材料工程师 (Metallurgical and materials engineers)
121330采矿工程师 (Mining engineers)
121331地质工程师 (Geological engineers)
121332石油工程师 (Petroleum engineers)
121390航空航天工程师 (Aerospace engineers)
121399其他专业工程师 (Other professional engineers)
131100临床和实验室医学专家 (Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine)
131101外科专家 (Specialists in surgery)
131102全科医生和家庭医生 (General practitioners and family physicians)
131103兽医 (Veterinarians)
131110牙医 (Dentists)
131111验光师 (Optometrists)
131112听力学家和语言病理学家 (Audiologists and speech-language pathologists)
131120药剂师 (Pharmacists)
131121营养师和营养学家 (Dietitians and nutritionists)
131200心理学家 (Psychologists)
131201脊椎按摩师 (Chiropractors)
131202物理治疗师 (Physiotherapists)
131203职业治疗师 (Occupational therapists)
131204运动学家和其他专业治疗职业 (Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment)


222100化学技师和技术员 (Chemical technologists and technicians)
222101地质和矿物技师和技术员 (Geological and mineral technologists and technicians)
222102生物技师和技术员 (Biological technologists and technicians)
222110农业和鱼类产品检查员 (Agricultural and fish products inspectors)
222111林业技师和技术员 (Forestry technologists and technicians)
222112公共和环境健康检查员 (Public and environmental health inspectors)
222200土地测量技师和技术员 (Land survey technologists and technicians)
222201土木工程技师和技术员 (Civil engineering technologists and technicians)
222210机械工程技师和技术员 (Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians)
222211工业工程和制造技师和技术员 (Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians)
222212电气和电子工程技师和技术员 (Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians)
222220航空航天工程技师和技术员 (Aerospace engineering technologists and technicians)
222221船舶工程技师和技术员 (Marine engineering technologists and technicians)
222222计算机网络技术员 (Computer network technicians)
222223用户支持技术员 (User support technicians)
222230计算机程序员和互动媒体开发员 (Computer programmers and interactive media developers)
222300建筑技师和技术员 (Architectural technologists and technicians)
222301工程制图技师和技术员 (Engineering design and drafting technologists and technicians)
222310工业仪器技师和机械维修技师 (Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics)
222311电气和电子设备维修技师 (Electrical and electronics equipment repair technicians)
222312工业电气技师 (Industrial electrical technicians)
222320空调和制冷技师 (Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics)
222321电梯技师 (Elevator constructors and mechanics)
222322电力系统技师和操作员 (Power system technicians and operators)
222330石油和天然气钻井和服务技师 (Oil and gas well drilling and service technicians)
222331矿山技师和爆破技师 (Mining technologists and blasting technicians)
222332地质和矿物勘探技师 (Geological and mineral exploration technologists)
222340飞机机械师和飞机检查员 (Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors)
222341航空电子技师 (Avionics technicians)
222350汽车服务技师、卡车和公共汽车机械师 (Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics)
222351摩托车、全地形车和其他相关机械师 (Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics)
222352重型设备技师 (Heavy-duty equipment mechanics)
222353铁路和机车机械师 (Railway and locomotive mechanics)
222360焊工和相关机器操作员 (Welders and related machine operators)
222361钣金工人 (Sheet metal workers)
222362锅炉工人 (Boilermakers)
222363钳工 (Pipefitters)
222364钢铁工人 (Ironworkers)
222370木工 (Carpenters)
222371砖石工人 (Bricklayers)
222372混凝土工人 (Concrete finishers)
222373屋顶工人 (Roofers)
222374玻璃工人 (Glaziers)
222375地板覆盖工人 (Floor covering installers)
222380电工 (Electricians)
222381电力线技师 (Power line technicians)
222382电缆安装和维修技师 (Cable installers and repairers)
222383电信安装和维修技师 (Telecommunications installation and repair technicians)
222390管道工 (Plumbers)
222391燃气装置技师 (Gas fitters)
222392喷洒技师 (Sprinkler system installers)
222393蒸汽技师 (Steamfitters)
222394制冷和空调技师 (Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics)
222395供暖技师 (Heating mechanics)
222396绝缘工人 (Insulators)
222397涂装工人 (Painters and decorators)
222398玻璃工人 (Glaziers)
222399其他建筑技师和技术员 (Other construction technologists and technicians)


313100行政官员 (Administrative officers)
313101物业管理员 (Property administrators)
313102工资管理员 (Payroll administrators)
313110行政助理 (Administrative assistants)
313111法律行政助理 (Legal administrative assistants)
313112医疗行政助理 (Medical administrative assistants)
313200海关、船舶及其他经纪人 (Customs, ship and other brokers)
313201生产和运输物流协调员 (Production and transportation logistics coordinators)
332100医疗实验室技术员 (Medical laboratory technologists)
332101医疗实验室技术员和病理学家助理 (Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants)
332102动物健康技术员和兽医技术员 (Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians)
332103呼吸治疗师、临床灌注师和心肺技师 (Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists)
332104心电图技师和其他诊断技师 (Electrocardiogram (ECG) technologists and other diagnostic technologists)
332105医疗放射技师 (Medical radiation technologists)
332106医疗超声技师 (Medical sonographers)
332107心脏诊断技师和心脏技术员 (Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists)
332109其他医疗技师和技术员 (Other medical technologists and technicians)
332110牙科卫生员和牙科治疗师 (Dental hygienists and dental therapists)
332111牙科技师和实验室助理 (Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants)
332120药房技术员 (Pharmacy technicians)
332121眼科技术员和助理 (Ophthalmic medical technologists and assistants)
332122医疗器械技师 (Medical instrument technicians)
332123其他技术职业 (Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment)
332200按摩治疗师 (Massage therapists)
332201其他健康辅助职业 (Other assisting occupations in support of health services)
333100初级和中级学校教师助理 (Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants)
333101早期儿童教育工作者和助理 (Early childhood educators and assistants)
333102特殊教育助理 (Special education assistants)
333103其他教育助理 (Other instructors)
333200美发师和理发师 (Hairstylists and barbers)
333201美容师、电疗师和相关职业 (Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations)
334100护理助理、护理员和病人服务助理 (Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates)
334101住宅、学校和其他护理支持人员 (Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations)
334102其他辅助健康服务职业 (Other assisting occupations in support of health services)
335100消防员 (Firefighters)
335101警察 (Police officers (except commissioned))
335102其他执法职业 (Other law enforcement and regulatory officers)
335200公共安全、健康和安全检查员 (Public safety, health and safety officers)
335201运输检查员 (Transportation officers and controllers)
341100法律助理和相关职业 (Paralegals and related occupations)
341101法律行政助理 (Legal administrative assistants)
342100社会和社区服务工作者 (Social and community service workers)
342101早期儿童教育工作者和助理 (Early childhood educators and assistants)
342102其他教育助理 (Other instructors)
343100运动员 (Athletes)
343101教练 (Coaches)
343102体育官员和裁判 (Sports officials and referees)
344100家庭儿童护理提供者 (Home child care providers)
344101住宅、学校和其他护理支持人员 (Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations)
344102其他辅助健康服务职业 (Other assisting occupations in support of health services)
345100旅游和娱乐服务职业 (Tourism and amusement services occupations)
345101其他娱乐、体育和健身职业 (Other recreation, sports and fitness occupations)
351100图书馆技术员和助理 (Library technicians and assistants)
351101档案技术员和助理 (Archive technicians and assistants)
351102博物馆技术员和助理 (Museum technicians and assistants)
352100摄影师 (Photographers)
352101摄影实验室技术员 (Photographic and film processors)
352102电影和视频摄像师 (Film and video camera operators)
352103电影和视频编辑 (Film and video editors)
352104广播技术员 (Broadcast technicians)
352105音响和灯光技术员 (Audio and video recording technicians)
352106其他技术职业 (Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts)
353100平面设计师和插画师 (Graphic designers and illustrators)
353101工业设计师 (Industrial designers)
353102室内设计师和室内装饰员 (Interior designers and interior decorators)
353103时装设计师 (Fashion designers)
353104剧院、电影、广播和表演艺术的其他设计师 (Other designers in theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative fields)
354100其他创意和表演艺术职业 (Other creative and performing artists)
354101其他娱乐和体育职业 (Other performers and related occupations)


414100一般办公室支持工作人员 (General office support workers)
414101数据输入员 (Data entry clerks)
414102法律和行政助理 (Legal and administrative assistants)
414103医疗行政助理 (Medical administrative assistants)
414110物业管理员 (Property administrators)
414111物业管理助理 (Property management assistants)
414120采购和库存控制工作人员 (Purchasing and inventory control workers)
414121生产和运输物流协调员 (Production and transportation logistics coordinators)
414130运输调度员 (Transportation dispatchers)
414131运输路线和交通技术员 (Transportation route and traffic technicians)
414140货运代理和经纪人 (Freight forwarders and brokers)
414141货运代理助理 (Freight forwarding assistants)
414150客户服务代表 (Customer service representatives)
414151呼叫中心代理 (Call centre agents)
414160银行客户服务代表 (Bank customer service representatives)
414161保险客户服务代表 (Insurance customer service representatives)
414170零售销售人员 (Retail salespersons)
414171视觉陈列员 (Visual merchandisers)
414180旅游顾问 (Travel counsellors)
414181旅游顾问助理 (Travel counsellor assistants)
414190娱乐和体育服务人员 (Recreation and sports service workers)
414191娱乐和体育服务助理 (Recreation and sports service assistants)
414200图书馆助理 (Library assistants)
414201档案助理 (Archive assistants)
414202博物馆助理 (Museum assistants)
414210摄影实验室技术员 (Photographic and film processors)
414211电影和视频摄像师助理 (Film and video camera operator assistants)
414220广播技术员助理 (Broadcast technician assistants)
414221音响和灯光技术员助理 (Audio and video recording technician assistants)
414230平面设计师助理 (Graphic designer assistants)
414231工业设计师助理 (Industrial designer assistants)
414232室内设计师助理 (Interior designer assistants)
414233时装设计师助理 (Fashion designer assistants)
414240其他创意和表演艺术助理 (Other creative and performing artist assistants)
414241其他娱乐和体育助理 (Other performer and related occupation assistants)
414300一般办公室文员 (General office clerks)
414301数据输入文员 (Data entry clerks)
414302法律和行政文员 (Legal and administrative clerks)
414303医疗行政文员 (Medical administrative clerks)
414310物业管理文员 (Property management clerks)
414311物业管理助理文员 (Property management assistant clerks)
414320采购和库存控制文员 (Purchasing and inventory control clerks)
414321生产和运输物流文员 (Production and transportation logistics clerks)
414330运输调度文员 (Transportation dispatch clerks)
414331运输路线和交通技术文员 (Transportation route and traffic technician clerks)
414340货运代理文员 (Freight forwarding clerks)
414341货运代理助理文员 (Freight forwarding assistant clerks)
414350客户服务文员 (Customer service clerks)
414351呼叫中心文员 (Call centre clerks)
414360银行客户服务文员 (Bank customer service clerks)
414361保险客户服务文员 (Insurance customer service clerks)
414370零售销售文员 (Retail sales clerks)
414371视觉陈列文员 (Visual merchandiser clerks)
414380旅游顾问文员 (Travel counsellor clerks)
414381旅游顾问助理文员 (Travel counsellor assistant clerks)
414390娱乐和体育服务文员 (Recreation and sports service clerks)
414391娱乐和体育服务助理文员 (Recreation and sports service assistant clerks)
414400图书馆文员 (Library clerks)
414401档案文员 (Archive clerks)
414402博物馆文员 (Museum clerks)
414410摄影实验室文员 (Photographic and film processing clerks)
414411电影和视频摄像师助理文员 (Film and video camera operator assistant clerks)
414420广播技术文员 (Broadcast technician clerks)
414421音响和灯光技术文员 (Audio and video recording technician clerks)
414430平面设计文员 (Graphic designer clerks)
414431工业设计文员 (Industrial designer clerks)
414432室内设计文员 (Interior designer clerks)
414433时装设计文员 (Fashion designer clerks)
414440其他创意和表演艺术文员 (Other creative and performing artist clerks)
414441其他娱乐和体育文员 (Other performer and related occupation clerks)


565100餐饮服务员 (Food and beverage servers)
565101酒吧服务员 (Bartenders)
565200旅游顾问 (Travel counsellors)
565201娱乐、旅游和体育服务人员 (Tourism and amusement services occupations)
565210赌场职业 (Casino occupations)
565211其他娱乐、旅游和体育服务人员 (Other recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors)
565300旅馆前台服务员 (Hotel front desk clerks)
565301其他住宿服务人员 (Other accommodation service occupations)
565400物业管理员 (Property administrators)
565401物业管理助理 (Property management assistants)
565500客户服务代表 (Customer service representatives)
565501呼叫中心代理 (Call centre agents)
565600邮政服务人员 (Postal services workers)
565601快递员和送货员 (Couriers and messengers)
566100零售销售人员 (Retail salespersons)
566101视觉陈列员 (Visual merchandisers)
566200收银员 (Cashiers)
566201其他销售支持人员 (Other sales support occupations)
567100清洁工 (Cleaners)
567101家政服务员 (Housekeepers)
567200建筑工人 (Construction trades helpers and labourers)
567201其他建筑工人 (Other trades helpers and labourers)
567300轻型清洁工 (Light duty cleaners)
567301重型清洁工 (Heavy duty cleaners)
567400其他清洁工 (Other cleaning occupations)
567401垃圾收集工 (Garbage collectors)
575100卡车司机 (Transport truck drivers)
575101公共汽车司机 (Bus drivers)
575200送货司机 (Delivery and courier service drivers)
575201其他机动车辆操作员 (Other motor vehicle operators)
575300铁路和地铁操作员 (Railway and subway operators)
575301其他交通工具操作员 (Other transport equipment operators)
576100农业工人 (Agricultural workers)
576101园艺工人 (Horticultural workers)
576200渔业工人 (Fishing vessel deckhands)
576201其他渔业工人 (Other fishing and trapping occupations)
576300伐木工人 (Logging and forestry workers)
576301其他伐木工人 (Other logging and forestry workers)
576400矿工 (Mine labourers)
576401其他矿工 (Other mine labourers)
577100制造业工人 (Manufacturing labourers)
577101其他制造业工人 (Other manufacturing labourers)
577200装配工人 (Assemblers)
577201其他装配工人 (Other assemblers)
577300包装工人 (Packers)
577301其他包装工人 (Other packers)
577400纺织工人 (Textile labourers)
577401其他纺织工人 (Other textile labourers)
577500食品加工工人 (Food processing labourers)
577501其他食品加工工人 (Other food processing labourers)
577600渔业加工工人 (Fish and seafood plant workers)
577601其他渔业加工工人 (Other fish and seafood plant workers)
577700木材加工工人 (Wood processing labourers)
577701其他木材加工工人 (Other wood processing labourers)
577800金属加工工人 (Metal processing labourers)
577801其他金属加工工人 (Other metal processing labourers)
577900塑料加工工人 (Plastic processing labourers)
577901其他塑料加工工人 (Other plastic processing labourers)
578000纸浆和造纸工人 (Pulp and paper labourers)
578001其他纸浆和造纸工人 (Other pulp and paper labourers)
578100其他工厂工人 (Other factory labourers)
578101其他工厂工人助理 (Other factory labourer assistants)


上一篇 2024 年 7 月 8 日 7:01 下午
下一篇 2024 年 7 月 11 日 11:34 上午
