加拿大超市商品比较: 英语询问对话与翻译




中文意思 英文对话
顾客:您好,请问这两款笔记本电脑有什么区别? Customer: Hello, could you tell me the difference between these two laptops?
店员:当然,这款笔记本电脑有更大的存储空间,而那款则有更好的处理器。 Staff: Sure, this laptop has more storage space, while that one has a better processor.
顾客:它们的价格相差多少? Customer: How much is the price difference between them?
店员:这款贵50加元。 Staff: This one is 50 dollars more expensive.


中文意思 英文对话
顾客:请问这两种有机牛奶有什么不同? Customer: Could you tell me the difference between these two types of organic milk?
店员:这两种有机牛奶的品牌不同,一个是本地生产的,另一个是进口的。 Staff: These two organic milks are from different brands. One is locally produced, and the other is imported.
顾客:它们的营养成分有区别吗? Customer: Do they have different nutritional values?
店员:它们的营养成分基本相同,但进口的那种口感更浓郁。 Staff: Their nutritional values are quite similar, but the imported one has a richer taste.


中文意思 英文对话
顾客:请问这两件夹克的材质有什么区别? Customer: Could you tell me the difference in material between these two jackets?
店员:这件夹克是用羊毛制成的,另一件是用棉花制成的。 Staff: This jacket is made of wool, while the other one is made of cotton.
顾客:哪一种更适合冬季穿着? Customer: Which one is more suitable for winter wear?
店员:羊毛的那件更适合冬季,因为它更保暖。 Staff: The wool one is more suitable for winter because it is warmer.


中文意思 英文对话
顾客:请问这两款面霜有什么不同之处? Customer: Could you tell me the difference between these two face creams?
店员:这款面霜适合干性皮肤,而另一款适合油性皮肤。 Staff: This face cream is for dry skin, while the other one is for oily skin.
顾客:它们的成分有区别吗? Customer: Are there any differences in their ingredients?
店员:是的,干性皮肤的面霜含有更多的保湿成分。 Staff: Yes, the cream for dry skin contains more moisturizing ingredients.


中文意思 英文对话
顾客:请问这两款吸尘器有什么区别? Customer: Could you tell me the difference between these two vacuum cleaners?
店员:这款吸尘器功率更大,适合大面积清洁,而另一款更轻便,适合小面积使用。 Staff: This vacuum cleaner has more power, suitable for large areas, while the other one is more lightweight and suitable for small areas.
顾客:它们的价格相差多少? Customer: How much is the price difference between them?
店员:这款更贵,价格相差100加元。 Staff: This one is more expensive by 100 dollars.



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