加拿大超市商品保修信息: 英语询问对话怎么说




中文意思 英文对话
顾客:您好,请问这款电视有保修吗? Customer: Hello, does this TV come with a warranty?
店员:是的,这款电视有一年的保修期。 Staff: Yes, this TV comes with a one-year warranty.
顾客:谢谢!保修包括哪些内容? Customer: Thank you! What does the warranty cover?
店员:保修包括所有的制造缺陷和零部件问题。 Staff: The warranty covers all manufacturing defects and parts issues.


中文意思 英文对话
顾客:请问这款笔记本电脑的保修期是多久? Customer: How long is the warranty period for this laptop?
店员:这款笔记本电脑有两年的保修期。 Staff: This laptop has a two-year warranty.
顾客:保修期内需要付费吗? Customer: Do I need to pay for anything during the warranty period?
店员:不需要,保修期内的维修都是免费的。 Staff: No, all repairs are free during the warranty period.


中文意思 英文对话
顾客:请问这款手机的保修条款是什么? Customer: What are the warranty terms for this phone?
店员:保修条款包括免费的维修和更换,但不包括人为损坏。 Staff: The warranty terms include free repairs and replacements but do not cover accidental damage.
顾客:我可以在哪里查看详细的保修条款? Customer: Where can I find the detailed warranty terms?
店员:您可以在包装盒内的保修手册中找到详细信息。 Staff: You can find the detailed terms in the warranty booklet inside the package.


中文意思 英文对话
顾客:请问可以延长保修吗? Customer: Can I extend the warranty?
店员:可以的,您可以购买延长保修服务,最多延长两年。 Staff: Yes, you can purchase an extended warranty service for up to two additional years.
顾客:延长保修的费用是多少? Customer: How much does the extended warranty cost?
店员:延长保修的费用是50加元。 Staff: The extended warranty costs 50 dollars.


中文意思 英文对话
顾客:如果商品需要保修,我应该怎么做? Customer: What should I do if my item needs warranty service?
店员:您可以将商品带到任何一家我们的门店,我们会帮您处理。 Staff: You can bring the item to any of our stores, and we will assist you with the process.
顾客:需要提供购买凭证吗? Customer: Do I need to provide proof of purchase?
店员:是的,请提供您的收据或发票。 Staff: Yes, please provide your receipt or invoice.



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