场景 1:询问海关申报的基本要求
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中文意思 |
Customer: Hi, can you tell me what I need to declare for a package being sent to Toronto? |
你好,你能告诉我寄往多伦多的包裹需要申报什么吗? |
Clerk: You need to declare the contents of the package, its value, and any applicable customs duties. |
您需要申报包裹的内容、价值以及任何适用的海关关税。 |
场景 2:询问申报海关的方式
对话 |
中文意思 |
Customer: Hello, how do I fill out a customs declaration form for a package going to China? |
你好,我该如何填写寄往中国的包裹的海关申报表? |
Clerk: You can fill out the form at the post office, or you can do it online before coming here. |
您可以在邮局填写表格,或者在来这里之前在线填写。 |
场景 3:询问海关申报的费用
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中文意思 |
Customer: Hi, are there any additional fees for customs declaration for a package sent to Vancouver? |
你好,寄往温哥华的包裹海关申报有额外费用吗? |
Clerk: There may be customs duties depending on the value of the package and its contents. |
视包裹的价值和内容,可能会有海关关税。 |
场景 4:询问申报的时间限制
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中文意思 |
Customer: Hello, is there a deadline for submitting the customs declaration for a package to Montreal? |
你好,寄往蒙特利尔的包裹,提交海关申报有截止日期吗? |
Clerk: You should submit the declaration at the time of mailing to avoid any delays. |
您应在邮寄时提交申报,以避免任何延误。 |
场景 5:询问海关申报的注意事项
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中文意思 |
Customer: Hi, are there any special instructions for declaring electronics being sent to Ottawa? |
你好,寄往渥太华的电子产品申报有特别说明吗? |
Clerk: Yes, you should provide a detailed description of the electronics and their value. |
是的,您需要提供电子产品的详细描述及其价值。 |