


场景 1:询问最短和最长租期

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hi, what is the minimum and maximum lease term for this Toronto apartment? 你好,这个多伦多公寓的最短和最长租期分别是多少?
Landlord: The minimum lease term is six months, and the maximum is one year. 最短租期是六个月,最长是一年。

场景 2:询问是否可以灵活调整租期

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hello, is it possible to negotiate the lease term for this Vancouver house? 你好,可以协商这个温哥华房子的租期吗?
Landlord: Yes, we can discuss the lease term based on your needs. 是的,我们可以根据您的需求讨论租期。

场景 3:询问租期的续租选项

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hi, does this Montreal rental have options for renewing the lease after the initial term? 你好,这个蒙特利尔出租房的租期到期后是否可以续租?
Landlord: Yes, you can renew the lease for an additional term if both parties agree. 是的,如果双方都同意,您可以续租额外的期限。

场景 4:询问租期开始和结束的具体日期

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hello, can you tell me the start and end dates for the lease of this Calgary property? 你好,你能告诉我这个卡尔加里房产的租期开始和结束日期吗?
Landlord: The lease starts on September 1st and ends on August 31st next year. 租期从9月1日开始,到明年的8月31日结束。

场景 5:询问在租期内是否可以提前终止合同

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hi, if I need to terminate the lease early for this Ottawa apartment, is that possible? 你好,如果我需要提前终止这个渥太华公寓的租约,这样做可以吗?
Landlord: It is possible, but you would need to give at least 30 days’ notice and may incur a penalty. 可以,但您需要提前至少30天通知,并可能会产生罚金。



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