


场景 1:询问水电费是否包含在租金中

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hi, are utilities like water and electricity included in the rent for this Toronto apartment? 你好,这个多伦多的公寓租金是否包括水电费?
Landlord: No, utilities are not included. You will need to pay for them separately. 不包括。你需要单独支付水电费。

场景 2:询问水电费的估算费用

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hello, can you provide an estimate of the monthly water and electricity costs for this Vancouver rental? 你好,你能提供一下这个温哥华租房的月水电费估算吗?
Landlord: On average, the water and electricity costs are around $150 per month. 平均来说,水电费大约是每个月150美元。

场景 3:询问如何支付水电费

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hi, how do I pay for the water and electricity bills in this Montreal apartment? 你好,我如何支付这个蒙特利尔公寓的水电费?
Landlord: You will receive separate bills each month, and you can pay them online or by mail. 每个月你会收到单独的账单,你可以通过在线支付或邮寄方式支付。

场景 4:询问是否有水电费的上限

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hello, is there a cap on the water and electricity expenses for this Calgary property? 你好,这个卡尔加里的物业水电费是否有上限?
Landlord: No, there is no cap. You will need to cover the full amount of your usage. 没有上限。你需要支付你使用的全部费用。

场景 5:询问水电费的具体计费方式

对话 中文意思
Tenant: Hi, how are the water and electricity costs calculated for this Ottawa rental? 你好,这个渥太华租房的水电费用是如何计算的?
Landlord: Water is billed based on usage, and electricity is measured by the meter readings. 水费按使用量计费,电费则根据电表读数计算。



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