场景 1: 冰箱不制冷
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Customer: Hi, my refrigerator isn’t cooling properly. Can you help? |
你好,我的冰箱制冷不好。你能帮忙吗? |
Technician: Sure. How long has this been happening? |
当然。这个问题发生多久了? |
Customer: It started a few days ago. The temperature inside is not low enough. |
几天前开始的。里面的温度不够低。 |
场景 2: 洗衣机漏水
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Customer: Hello, my washing machine is leaking water. What should I do? |
你好,我的洗衣机漏水了。我该怎么办? |
Technician: I see. Where is the leak coming from? |
我明白了。漏水是从哪里来的? |
Customer: It’s coming from the bottom of the machine. |
是从机器底部漏水。 |
场景 3: 微波炉加热不均匀
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Customer: Hi, my microwave heats unevenly. Can you check it? |
你好,我的微波炉加热不均匀。你能检查一下吗? |
Technician: Sure. Are there any specific areas where the heating is uneven? |
当然。有特别的地方加热不均匀吗? |
Customer: Yes, it seems that the food only heats in the center. |
是的,食物似乎只在中心加热。 |
场景 4: 空调不启动
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Customer: Hello, my air conditioner won’t turn on. What could be the issue? |
你好,我的空调无法启动。可能是什么问题? |
Technician: I’ll need to check it. Does the unit make any noise when you try to turn it on? |
我需要检查一下。你尝试启动时,设备有没有发出声音? |
Customer: No, it doesn’t make any noise at all. |
不,完全没有声音。 |
场景 5: 烤箱温度不准确
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中文意思 |
Customer: Hi, my oven is not maintaining the correct temperature. Can you help? |
你好,我的烤箱温度不准确。你能帮忙吗? |
Technician: Of course. How do you usually notice the temperature issue? |
当然。你通常是怎么发现温度问题的? |
Customer: The food is either undercooked or overcooked. |
食物要么没熟,要么熟过头了。 |