时间: 周一上午
人物: 你(读者),图书馆工作人员
地点: 图书馆的前台
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Hi, can you explain the process for borrowing books? | 你好,你能解释一下借书的流程吗? |
Librarian: Sure! First, you need to find the books you want. Then, bring them to the checkout desk along with your library card. | 当然!首先,你需要找到你想借的书。然后,带着书和你的图书证到借书台。 |
You: How many books can I borrow at once? | 我一次可以借多少本书? |
Librarian: You can borrow up to 10 books at a time. | 你一次可以借最多10本书。 |
时间: 周三下午
人物: 你(读者),图书馆工作人员
地点: 图书馆的前台
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: What is the return policy for borrowed books? | 借来的书的归还政策是什么? |
Librarian: Books are due 2 weeks from the date of borrowing. You can return them at any branch. | 书籍在借出日期后2周到期。你可以在任何分馆归还。 |
You: Can I renew the books if I need more time? | 如果我需要更多时间,可以续借书吗? |
Librarian: Yes, you can renew the books online or at the library, as long as no one else has requested them. | 可以,你可以在线或在图书馆续借,只要没有其他人预约这些书。 |
时间: 周五早晨
人物: 你(读者),图书馆工作人员
地点: 图书馆的前台
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: What happens if I return a book late? | 如果我晚还书会怎么样? |
Librarian: There is a late fee of $0.25 per day per book. | 每本书每晚的逾期费用是0.25美元。 |
You: Can the late fee be waived under any circumstances? | 有什么情况可以免除逾期费用吗? |
Librarian: Generally, late fees are not waived, but you can speak with the librarian for any special circumstances. | 通常情况下逾期费用不会免除,但你可以与图书馆员沟通特殊情况。 |