时间: 周一下午
人物: 你(顾客),药店药剂师
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Hi, I’m looking for something to help with my cold. Can you recommend a non-prescription medication? | 你好,我在找一些能缓解感冒的药物。你能推荐一款非处方药吗? |
Pharmacist: Sure, you might want to try DayQuil or NyQuil. They’re good for relieving cold symptoms. | 当然,你可以试试 DayQuil 或 NyQuil。它们对于缓解感冒症状很有效。 |
You: Are there any other options you would recommend? | 你还有其他推荐的选项吗? |
Pharmacist: Robitussin and Mucinex are also good for coughing and congestion. | Robitussin 和 Mucinex 对于咳嗽和鼻塞也很有效。 |
时间: 周三上午
人物: 你(顾客),药店工作人员
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Hello, I’ve been having some stomach issues. Can you recommend a non-prescription remedy? | 你好,我最近胃部有些不适。你能推荐一些非处方药吗? |
Pharmacist: You might want to try Tums or Pepto-Bismol. They can help with indigestion and heartburn. | 你可以试试 Tums 或 Pepto-Bismol。它们可以帮助缓解消化不良和胃灼热。 |
You: Is there a specific product for nausea? | 有没有专门针对恶心的药物? |
Pharmacist: Dramamine is a good option for nausea and motion sickness. | Dramamine 是针对恶心和晕车的好选择。 |
时间: 周五晚上
人物: 你(顾客),药店药剂师
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Hi, I need something for a headache. Can you suggest a non-prescription medication? | 你好,我需要一些治疗头痛的药物。你能推荐一款非处方药吗? |
Pharmacist: Advil or Tylenol are both effective for relieving headaches. | Advil 或 Tylenol 都很有效,可以缓解头痛。 |
You: Is one better than the other? | 这两者哪个更好一点? |
Pharmacist: It depends on your personal preference and if you have any other health concerns. Both work well for most people. | 这取决于你的个人喜好以及是否有其他健康问题。两者对大多数人都很有效。 |
时间: 周二中午
人物: 你(顾客),药店工作人员
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Hello, I’m dealing with seasonal allergies. Can you recommend a non-prescription medication? | 你好,我正在应对季节性过敏。你能推荐一些非处方药吗? |
Pharmacist: Claritin and Zyrtec are popular options for allergy relief. | Claritin 和 Zyrtec 是流行的过敏药物。 |
You: Do these have any common side effects? | 这些药物有常见的副作用吗? |
Pharmacist: They may cause drowsiness in some people, but generally, they are well-tolerated. | 有些人可能会感到困倦,但总体来说,它们是很容易耐受的。 |
时间: 周四早上
人物: 你(顾客),药店药剂师
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Hi, I have trouble sleeping. Can you recommend a non-prescription sleep aid? | 你好,我有失眠的问题。你能推荐一些非处方的助眠药物吗? |
Pharmacist: Melatonin is a common choice for improving sleep. ZzzQuil is another option. | 褪黑激素 是改善睡眠的常见选择。ZzzQuil 也是一个不错的选项。 |
You: Are there any precautions I should take with these products? | 使用这些产品时我需要注意些什么吗? |
Pharmacist: Avoid using them if you’re pregnant or have certain health conditions. It’s best to consult with your doctor if you’re unsure. | 如果你怀孕或有某些健康状况,最好避免使用。如果不确定,最好咨询医生。 |