时间: 周一下午
人物: 你(顾客),药店店员
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Hi, I’m looking for an allergy medication. Can you recommend something? | 你好,我在找过敏药。你能推荐一些吗? |
Pharmacist: Sure. Are you looking for something for seasonal allergies or a different type of allergy? | 当然。你是在找季节性过敏药物,还是其他类型的过敏药物? |
You: I’m dealing with seasonal allergies. | 我在应对季节性过敏。 |
Pharmacist: In that case, you might want to try antihistamines like Claritin or Zyrtec. They are effective for relieving allergy symptoms. | 那你可以试试像Claritin或Zyrtec这样的抗组胺药。它们对缓解过敏症状很有效。 |
You: Thank you. I’ll try one of those. | 谢谢。我会尝试其中一个。 |
时间: 周三早上
人物: 你(顾客),药店店员
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Could you tell me if Benadryl is suitable for my allergy symptoms? | 你能告诉我Benadryl是否适合我的过敏症状吗? |
Pharmacist: Benadryl is an antihistamine that is effective for many types of allergies, but it can cause drowsiness. | Benadryl是一种抗组胺药,对很多类型的过敏有效,但可能会导致嗜睡。 |
You: I need something that won’t make me sleepy. | 我需要一种不会让我昏昏欲睡的药物。 |
Pharmacist: In that case, you might prefer Claritin or Allegra, as they are less likely to cause drowsiness. | 那你可能更喜欢Claritin或Allegra,因为它们不太容易引起嗜睡。 |
时间: 周五下午
人物: 你(顾客),药店店员
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Are there any side effects I should be aware of with Zyrtec? | Zyrtec有任何我需要注意的副作用吗? |
Pharmacist: Common side effects of Zyrtec can include dry mouth, headache, or drowsiness. | Zyrtec的常见副作用包括口干、头痛或嗜睡。 |
You: I see. Are there any alternatives with fewer side effects? | 我明白了。有其他副作用更少的替代药物吗? |
Pharmacist: Claritin and Allegra are generally well-tolerated with fewer side effects. | Claritin和Allegra通常副作用较少,耐受性较好。 |
时间: 周二上午
人物: 你(顾客),药店店员
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Is Allegra safe for children? | Allegra对儿童安全吗? |
Pharmacist: Allegra is generally safe for children over 12 years old. For younger children, you should consult with a pediatrician. | Allegra通常对12岁以上的儿童是安全的。对于更小的儿童,你应该咨询儿科医生。 |
You: What about for pregnant women? | 那对于孕妇呢? |
Pharmacist: For pregnant women, it’s best to consult with a doctor before taking any medication, including Allegra. | 对于孕妇,最好在服用任何药物,包括Allegra之前咨询医生。 |
时间: 周六上午
人物: 你(顾客),药店店员
地点: 药店
对话内容 | 中文意思 |
You: Can I purchase allergy medications over the counter, or do I need a prescription? | 我可以在药店直接购买过敏药物,还是需要处方? |
Pharmacist: Most allergy medications like Claritin and Zyrtec are available over the counter without a prescription. | 大多数过敏药物如Claritin和Zyrtec可以在没有处方的情况下直接购买。 |
You: Are there any that require a prescription? | 有没有需要处方的药物? |
Pharmacist: Yes, some stronger antihistamines or medications for severe allergies may require a prescription. | 是的,一些更强效的抗组胺药或用于严重过敏的药物可能需要处方。 |