


场景 1: 询问基础洗衣的时间

场景 地点 人物 对话内容
基础洗衣时间 洗衣店 顾客店员 顾客: “Hi, how long does it take to wash a load of laundry?”
店员: “It usually takes about 1 to 2 hours. When would you like to pick it up?”
顾客: “I’ll come back in 2 hours.”
店员: “Sounds good. See you then.”


  • 顾客: “你好,洗一筐衣物需要多久?”
  • 店员: “通常需要1到2小时。你想什么时候来取?”
  • 顾客: “我两小时后再来。”
  • 店员: “好的,到时候见。”

场景 2: 询问干洗的时间

场景 地点 人物 对话内容
干洗时间 洗衣店 顾客店员 顾客: “Hello, how long does dry cleaning take for a suit?”
店员: “Dry cleaning a suit usually takes 3 to 4 days. Is that okay for you?”
顾客: “Yes, that works. I’ll pick it up then.”
店员: “Great, see you in a few days.”


  • 顾客: “你好,干洗一套西装需要多久?”
  • 店员: “干洗一套西装通常需要3到4天。这样可以吗?”
  • 顾客: “可以,那我会在那时来取。”
  • 店员: “好的,几天后见。”

场景 3: 询问去污服务的时间

场景 地点 人物 对话内容
去污服务时间 洗衣店 顾客店员 顾客: “Hi, I need to get a stain removed from a shirt. How long will that take?”
店员: “Stain removal usually takes about 2 days. Is that okay?”
顾客: “Yes, that’s fine. I’ll pick it up in 2 days.”
店员: “Perfect. See you then.”


  • 顾客: “你好,我需要从一件衬衫上去除污渍。需要多久?”
  • 店员: “去污服务通常需要2天。这样可以吗?”
  • 顾客: “可以,我两天后来取。”
  • 店员: “很好,到时候见。”

场景 4: 询问特殊面料的洗涤时间

场景 地点 人物 对话内容
特殊面料洗涤时间 洗衣店 顾客店员 顾客: “Hello, I have a delicate fabric dress. How long will it take to clean?”
店员: “Cleaning delicate fabrics typically takes 4 to 5 days. Does that work for you?”
顾客: “Yes, that’s fine. I’ll come by then.”
店员: “Great, see you in a few days.”


  • 顾客: “你好,我有一件精致面料的裙子。清洗需要多久?”
  • 店员: “清洗精致面料通常需要4到5天。这样可以吗?”
  • 顾客: “可以,那我会在几天后来。”
  • 店员: “好的,几天后见。”



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