


场景 1: 询问洗衣店使用的洗涤剂种类

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询问洗涤剂种类 洗衣店 顾客店员 顾客: “Hi, what kind of detergent do you use here?”
店员: “We use a variety of detergents, including eco-friendly options. Is there a specific type you’re looking for?”
顾客: “I prefer a detergent that’s gentle on fabrics and has no strong fragrance.”
店员: “We have some hypoallergenic and fragrance-free options. I can show you those.”


  • 顾客: “你好,你们这里使用什么类型的洗涤剂?”
  • 店员: “我们使用多种洗涤剂,包括环保型的。您在寻找特定类型的吗?”
  • 顾客: “我希望使用对面料温和且没有强烈香味的洗涤剂。”
  • 店员: “我们有一些低过敏和无香型的洗涤剂。我可以给你看一下这些。”

场景 2: 询问是否可以使用自带的洗涤剂

场景 地点 人物 对话内容
询问自带洗涤剂的使用 洗衣店 顾客店员 顾客: “Hello, can I use my own detergent here?”
店员: “Yes, you can. Just let us know when you drop off your clothes.”
顾客: “Great, I’ll bring my detergent next time. Are there any specific instructions I need to follow?”
店员: “Just make sure to clearly label your detergent and inform us when you drop off your items.”


  • 顾客: “你好,我可以在这里使用我自己的洗涤剂吗?”
  • 店员: “可以的。请在你送衣物时告诉我们。”
  • 顾客: “太好了,我下次会带上我的洗涤剂。是否有任何特别的说明需要遵守?”
  • 店员: “只需确保你的洗涤剂上有明确的标签,并在送衣物时告知我们。”

场景 3: 询问洗涤剂的成分

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询问洗涤剂成分 洗衣店 顾客店员 顾客: “Hi, can you tell me about the ingredients in your detergent?”
店员: “Sure. Our detergents typically contain surfactants and enzymes for cleaning. If you have any allergies or concerns, we can provide you with a detailed ingredient list.”
顾客: “I have sensitive skin, so I’d like to see the ingredient list before using it.”
店员: “Of course. I’ll get that information for you.”


  • 顾客: “你好,你能告诉我你们洗涤剂的成分吗?”
  • 店员: “当然。我们的洗涤剂通常含有表面活性剂和酶。如果你有任何过敏或担忧,我们可以提供详细的成分列表。”
  • 顾客: “我有敏感肌肤,所以在使用之前想看看成分列表。”
  • 店员: “好的,我会给你这份信息。”

场景 4: 询问是否提供洗涤剂试用装

场景 地点 人物 对话内容
询问洗涤剂试用装 洗衣店 顾客店员 顾客: “Do you offer sample sizes of your detergents?”
店员: “Yes, we have small sample sizes available for some of our detergents. Would you like to try one?”
顾客: “Yes, I’d like to try a sample of your fragrance-free detergent.”
店员: “No problem. I’ll get a sample for you.”


  • 顾客: “你们提供洗涤剂的试用装吗?”
  • 店员: “是的,我们有一些洗涤剂的小样。你想试试吗?”
  • 顾客: “好的,我想试试你们的无香型洗涤剂。”
  • 店员: “没问题。我给你准备一个样品。”



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