



对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hello, I need to find an emergency shelter near my location. 你好,我需要找到离我当前位置较近的紧急避难所。
Dispatcher: Can you provide your current location? 你能提供一下你目前的位置吗?
Caller: I’m at 123 Maple Avenue, and I need a shelter as soon as possible. 我在枫树大道123号,我需要尽快找到一个避难所。
Dispatcher: There is an emergency shelter at 456 Oak Street, which is not far from you. I will provide you with directions. 橡树街456号有一个紧急避难所,离你不远。我会给你提供路线。


对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hi, I need to know the operating hours of the nearest emergency shelter. 你好,我需要知道离我最近的紧急避难所的开放时间。
Dispatcher: Could you please provide the address of your current location? 你能提供一下你当前的位置地址吗?
Caller: I am at 789 Pine Street. 我在松树街789号
Dispatcher: The nearest emergency shelter is located at 321 Birch Street. It is open 24 hours a day. 离你最近的紧急避难所位于桦树街321号。它全天24小时开放。


对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hello, I need information about the facilities at the nearest emergency shelter. 你好,我需要了解离我最近的紧急避难所的设施情况。
Dispatcher: Could you please provide your current address? 你能提供一下你当前的地址吗?
Caller: I am at 234 Elm Street. 我在榆树街234号
Dispatcher: The closest emergency shelter is at 567 Cedar Avenue. It offers basic amenities such as food, beds, and medical assistance. 离你最近的紧急避难所位于雪松大道567号。它提供基本设施,如食物、床铺和医疗援助。


对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hi, I need the contact details for the nearest emergency shelter. 你好,我需要离我最近的紧急避难所的联系方式。
Dispatcher: Can you tell me your current location? 你能告诉我你当前的位置吗?
Caller: I’m currently at 101 Birch Street. 我现在在桦树街101号
Dispatcher: The nearest emergency shelter is at 202 Maple Avenue. Their phone number is (123) 456-7890. 离你最近的紧急避难所在枫树大道202号。他们的电话号码是**(123)456-7890**。



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