



对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hello, I’d like to inquire about the status of my report. 你好,我想询问一下我报案的进度。
Dispatcher: Can you provide your report number and the date you filed the report? 你能提供一下你的报案编号和报案的日期吗?
Caller: My report number is 123456, and I filed it on August 1, 2024. 我的报案编号是123456,我在2024年8月1日报案的。
Dispatcher: Let me check the status for you. Please hold on for a moment. 让我帮你查一下进度,请稍等片刻。


对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hi, I’ve reported a theft and want to know if I need to provide any additional information. 你好,我已经报告了一起盗窃案件,我想知道是否需要提供额外的信息。
Dispatcher: Could you provide your report number and the date of the incident? 你能提供一下你的报案编号和事件发生的日期吗?
Caller: The report number is 654321, and the incident occurred on July 25, 2024. 报案编号是654321,事件发生在2024年7月25日
Dispatcher: I will check if any additional information is needed and get back to you. 我会检查是否需要额外的信息,然后再联系你。


对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hello, I’d like to ask about the progress of the investigation into my reported incident. 你好,我想询问一下我报告的事件的调查进展。
Dispatcher: Can you provide the address where the incident occurred and your report number? 你能提供一下事件发生的地址和你的报案编号吗?
Caller: The incident happened at 789 Pine Street, and my report number is 789012. 事件发生在松树街789号,我的报案编号是789012
Dispatcher: I will find out the current status of the investigation and let you know. 我会查询调查的当前状态,并告诉你。


对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hi, I want to know how long it will take to process my report. 你好,我想知道处理我的报案需要多长时间。
Dispatcher: Could you provide your report number and the date it was filed? 你能提供一下你的报案编号和报案日期吗?
Caller: The report number is 345678, and it was filed on August 5, 2024. 报案编号是345678,报案日期是2024年8月5日
Dispatcher: Processing times can vary, but I will check the estimated timeframe for your case. 处理时间可能会有所不同,但我会查一下你案件的预计时间。


对话 中文翻译
Caller: Hello, I’d like to ask if I need to appear in court for my report. 你好,我想问一下我是否需要出庭作证。
Dispatcher: Can you give me your report number and the nature of the incident? 你能告诉我你的报案编号和事件的性质吗?
Caller: The report number is 987654, and it’s related to a vandalism incident that happened on June 30, 2024. 报案编号是987654,与2024年6月30日发生的破坏事件有关。
Dispatcher: I will check if you need to testify in court and let you know. 我会检查一下你是否需要出庭作证,然后告诉你。



上一篇 2024 年 10 月 27 日
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