



对话 中文翻译
You: Hi, I’m interested in the upcoming community festival. Is it possible to get a copy of the event poster? 你好,我对即将举行的社区节日很感兴趣。可以拿到一份活动海报吗?
Receptionist: Sure! You can pick up a poster at our front desk or we can email you a digital copy. 当然可以!你可以在前台拿到一份海报,或者我们可以给你发一份电子版。
You: I’d prefer a digital copy, please. 我更喜欢电子版,谢谢。
Receptionist: No problem. I’ll send it to your email right away. 没问题。我会立刻把它发到你的邮箱。


对话 中文翻译
You: Hello, I heard about a workshop happening at the public library next month. Can I get a flyer for this event? 你好,我听说下个月在公共图书馆会有一个工作坊。我可以拿到这个活动的宣传单吗?
Librarian: Yes, we have flyers available at the library. You can also check our website for more information. 是的,我们在图书馆有宣传单。你也可以在我们的网站上查看更多信息。
You: Great, I’ll stop by to pick one up. 太好了,我会过来拿一份。


对话 中文翻译
You: Hi, I’m looking for information about the school fair happening at Sunnydale High. Can I get a copy of the event flyer? 你好,我在找关于Sunnydale高中举办的学校集会的信息。可以拿到一份活动宣传单吗?
School Staff: Of course! You can find the flyer at the main office or we can give it to you directly if you prefer. 当然可以!你可以在主办公室找到宣传单,或者我们也可以直接给你。
You: I’d like to pick it up at the main office. Thanks! 我想在主办公室拿,谢谢!


对话 中文翻译
You: Hello, I’m attending the community gala at Civic Hall this Saturday. Will there be any posters or flyers available at the event? 你好,我要去本周六市政大厅举行的社区晚会。活动现场会有海报或宣传单吗?
Event Coordinator: Yes, we will have posters and flyers available at the entrance of the hall. Feel free to take one when you arrive. 会的,我们会在大厅入口处提供海报和宣传单。你到时可以随意取一份。
You: Thanks for letting me know. 谢谢你告诉我。


对话 中文翻译
You: Hi, I saw a post about the community picnic on Facebook. Is there a way to get a printed version of the flyer? 你好,我在Facebook上看到了关于社区野餐的帖子。可以得到一份印刷版的宣传单吗?
Social Media Manager: Yes, we have printed flyers at the community center. You can also download and print a copy from our Facebook page. 是的,我们在社区中心有印刷版的宣传单。你也可以从我们的Facebook页面下载并打印一份。
You: I’ll download it from the Facebook page. Thanks for the help! 我会从Facebook页面下载。谢谢你的帮助!



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