对话 |
中文翻译 |
You: Hi, [Neighbor’s Name]. I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to mention that there has been quite a bit of noise coming from your place lately. |
你好,[邻居的名字]。希望你一切都好。我想提一下,最近你家里有些噪音挺大的。 |
Neighbor: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What kind of noise are you referring to? |
哦,听到这个我很抱歉。你说的是什么噪音呢? |
You: It’s mostly late at night. It’s been affecting my sleep. Could you please keep it down after [Specific Time]? |
主要是在晚上很晚的时候。这影响了我的睡眠。能否在**[具体时间]**之后稍微安静一些? |
Neighbor: I understand. I’ll make sure to be more considerate in the future. Thank you for letting me know. |
我明白了。我会尽量以后注意一点。谢谢你告诉我。 |
对话 |
中文翻译 |
You: Hi, [Neighbor’s Name]. I wanted to talk to you about the noise from your [Event or Activity]. It’s been quite loud. |
你好,[邻居的名字]。我想跟你谈谈你家**[事件或活动]**的噪音,声音挺大的。 |
Neighbor: I’m sorry about that. We were hosting a [Type of Event]. How loud was it? |
对不起,我们正在举办一个**[事件类型]**。声音有多大呢? |
You: It was quite loud, especially around [Specific Time]. It made it difficult to concentrate. |
声音挺大的,尤其是在**[具体时间]**的时候。让我很难集中注意力。 |
Neighbor: I see. I’ll make sure to keep the noise level down during future events. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. |
我明白了。以后在活动期间我会注意控制噪音水平。谢谢你提出来。 |
对话 |
中文翻译 |
You: Hello, [Neighbor’s Name]. I wanted to discuss the noise from your [Appliance or Device]. It’s been a bit disruptive. |
你好,[邻居的名字]。我想讨论一下你家**[电器或设备]**的噪音。噪音有点扰民。 |
Neighbor: Hi, [Your Name]. I didn’t realize it was causing a problem. What time of day is it the most disruptive? |
你好,[你的名字]。我没意识到这会造成问题。一天中的哪个时间段最影响你呢? |
You: It’s mostly during the early morning and late evening. Could you try to use it during [Different Times]? |
主要是在早晨和晚上很晚的时候。能否尝试在**[不同时间]**使用? |
Neighbor: I’ll adjust the schedule and see if it helps. Thanks for letting me know. |
我会调整使用时间看看是否有帮助。谢谢你告诉我。 |
对话 |
中文翻译 |
You: Hi, [Neighbor’s Name]. I’ve noticed that the noise levels have been consistently high, especially during [Specific Days or Times]. |
你好,[邻居的名字]。我注意到噪音水平一直很高,特别是在**[具体日期或时间]**。 |
Neighbor: Hi, [Your Name]. I wasn’t aware it was an ongoing issue. I’ll try to be more mindful of it. |
你好,[你的名字]。我没意识到这是一个持续的问题。我会尽量注意的。 |
You: Thank you. I appreciate your understanding. |
谢谢你。我很感激你的理解。 |
对话 |
中文翻译 |
You: Hello, [Neighbor’s Name]. I wanted to talk about the noise from your [Specific Event or Activity] last [Day]. It was quite loud. |
你好,[邻居的名字]。我想谈谈你上个**[日子]的[具体事件或活动]**的噪音。声音挺大的。 |
Neighbor: Hi, [Your Name]. I’m really sorry. We didn’t realize it was so loud. What time did it start bothering you? |
你好,[你的名字]。我真的很抱歉。我们没意识到声音这么大。是什么时候开始影响到你的? |
You: It started around [Specific Time] and went on until late. I would appreciate it if future events could be kept quieter. |
大约在**[具体时间]**开始,一直持续到很晚。如果以后能稍微安静些,我会很感激的。 |
Neighbor: I understand. I’ll make sure to keep it down next time. Thank you for letting me know. |
我明白了。我会确保下次控制噪音。谢谢你告诉我。 |