


场景 1:询问美容服务的基本内容

英文对话 中文翻译
Pet Owner: Hi, I’m interested in your grooming services for my dog. Can you tell me what is included? 你好,我对你们的美容服务感兴趣。你能告诉我包括哪些内容吗?
Receptionist: Our grooming services typically include bathing, brushing, nail trimming, and ear cleaning. We also offer haircuts for different breeds. 我们的美容服务通常包括洗澡梳毛修剪指甲清理耳朵。我们还为不同品种的狗狗提供剪毛服务。
Pet Owner: Are there any additional services available? 是否还有其他附加服务
Receptionist: Yes, we offer additional services like de-shedding treatments, dental cleaning, and skin treatments for an extra fee. 是的,我们提供去毛处理牙齿清洁皮肤护理等附加服务,但需要额外收费。

场景 2:了解美容服务的费用和预订政策

英文对话 中文翻译
Pet Owner: What is the cost for a standard grooming session? 标准美容服务的费用是多少?
Receptionist: The cost for a standard grooming session ranges from $50 to $80 depending on the size and breed of your pet. 标准美容服务的费用从50到80加元不等,具体取决于宠物的大小和品种。
Pet Owner: How far in advance should I book an appointment for grooming? 我应该提前多久预约美容服务?
Receptionist: We recommend booking at least 1-2 weeks in advance, especially during busy times. 我们建议至少提前1到2周预约,特别是在繁忙的时期。

场景 3:讨论美容服务的细节和特别需求

英文对话 中文翻译
Pet Owner: My dog has sensitive skin. Can you accommodate any special needs? 我的狗狗有敏感的皮肤。你们能处理特殊需求吗?
Receptionist: Yes, we use hypoallergenic shampoos and can customize the grooming process to ensure comfort. Just let us know about any specific concerns. 是的,我们使用低过敏性洗发水,并可以根据需要调整美容过程,以确保舒适。请告诉我们任何特定的顾虑。
Pet Owner: My cat doesn’t like to be handled. How do you manage grooming for pets with such issues? 我的猫咪不喜欢被触碰。你们是如何处理这种问题的美容服务的?
Receptionist: For pets that are not comfortable with handling, our groomers are trained to use gentle techniques and may work with them in a calm environment. 对于不喜欢被触碰的宠物,我们的美容师经过培训,使用温和的技巧,并在安静的环境中进行工作。

场景 4:了解美容服务的时间安排

英文对话 中文翻译
Pet Owner: How long does a typical grooming session take? 一次典型的美容服务通常需要多长时间?
Receptionist: A standard grooming session usually takes about 1 to 2 hours, depending on the size and condition of your pet. 标准美容服务通常需要1到2小时,具体取决于宠物的大小和状态。
Pet Owner: Can I wait at the clinic while my pet is being groomed? 在我的宠物接受美容服务时,我可以在诊所等候吗?
Receptionist: Yes, you are welcome to wait in our waiting area. We’ll notify you once the grooming is complete. 是的,您可以在我们的候诊区等候。美容完成后我们会通知您。



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