中文 |
英文对话 |
场景一:向教授解释意外抄袭 |
Scenario 1: Explaining Accidental Plagiarism to a Professor |
亲爱的[教授/老师], |
Dear [Professor/Instructor], |
我写的[作业/论文]中,可能无意间出现了抄袭的情况。我使用了某些引用,但在文献列表中遗漏了一些来源。 |
There might be accidental plagiarism in my [assignment/paper]. I used some citations, but I missed including some sources in the reference list. |
我非常抱歉,并愿意修正这个问题。 |
I am very sorry and willing to correct this issue. |
请让我知道我该如何修正这些错误。 |
Please let me know how I should address these mistakes. |
谢谢您的理解。 |
Thank you for your understanding. |
此致, |
Sincerely, |
[你的名字] |
[Your Name] |
中文 |
英文对话 |
场景二:向学术事务办公室报告误操作 |
Scenario 2: Reporting a Mistake to the Academic Affairs Office |
你好,[学术事务办公室代表的名字], |
Hi [Academic Affairs Office Representative’s Name], |
我在提交[作业/项目]时,发现了一个误操作。在完成过程中,我误用了数据或来源,这可能导致了不当行为。 |
I discovered a mistake while submitting my [assignment/project]. During the process, I mistakenly used data or sources, which may have led to inappropriate behavior. |
我已经采取措施纠正这些问题,并希望得到进一步的指导。 |
I have taken steps to correct these issues and would appreciate further guidance. |
请告知我如何继续处理此事。 |
Please let me know how to proceed with this matter. |
谢谢您的帮助。 |
Thank you for your assistance. |
此致, |
Best regards, |
[你的名字] |
[Your Name] |
中文 |
英文对话 |
场景三:解释意外的数据伪造 |
Scenario 3: Explaining Accidental Data Falsification |
亲爱的[教授/老师], |
Dear [Professor/Instructor], |
在我的[研究/实验]中,我发现有些数据被误处理或误报告,可能导致了数据伪造。 |
In my [research/experiment], I found that some data was mishandled or misreported, which might have led to data falsification. |
我已重新审查数据,并进行必要的修正。 |
I have re-examined the data and made the necessary corrections. |
请告诉我如何向您提供更新的信息。 |
Please let me know how I can provide you with the updated information. |
感谢您的理解和支持。 |
Thank you for your understanding and support. |
此致, |
Sincerely, |
[你的名字] |
[Your Name] |
中文 |
英文邮件模板 |
模板一:解释意外抄袭 |
Template 1: Explaining Accidental Plagiarism |
亲爱的[教授/老师], |
Dear [Professor/Instructor], |
我写的[作业/论文]中出现了意外的抄袭。在整理参考文献时,我遗漏了部分引用,对此我感到非常抱歉。 |
There was accidental plagiarism in my [assignment/paper]. I missed some citations while organizing the references, and I sincerely apologize for this. |
我已经重新审查并修正了这些问题。 |
I have reviewed and corrected these issues. |
请您告诉我是否还需要进一步的措施。 |
Please let me know if any further actions are required. |
再次感谢您的理解。 |
Thank you once again for your understanding. |
此致, |
Sincerely, |
[你的名字] |
[Your Name] |
中文 |
英文邮件模板 |
模板二:报告误操作 |
Template 2: Reporting a Mistake |
亲爱的[学术事务办公室代表的名字], |
Dear [Academic Affairs Office Representative’s Name], |
在完成[作业/项目]的过程中,我发现了一个误操作,可能导致了学术不当行为。 |
During the completion of my [assignment/project], I discovered a mistake that might have led to academic misconduct. |
我已经采取措施进行修正,并希望得到进一步指导。 |
I have taken steps to correct the issue and seek further guidance. |
请告知我如何继续处理此事。 |
Please let me know how to proceed with this matter. |
谢谢您的帮助。 |
Thank you for your assistance. |
此致, |
Best regards, |
[你的名字] |
[Your Name] |
中文 |
英文邮件模板 |
模板三:解释数据伪造 |
Template 3: Explaining Data Falsification |
亲爱的[教授/老师], |
Dear [Professor/Instructor], |
在我进行[研究/实验]时,我发现一些数据可能被误处理,导致了数据伪造。 |
During my [research/experiment], I found that some data might have been mishandled, leading to data falsification. |
我已采取措施修正这些问题,并希望能向您提供最新的信息。 |
I have taken steps to address these issues and would like to provide you with the updated information. |
请告诉我如何进行。 |
Please let me know how to proceed. |
感谢您的理解。 |
Thank you for your understanding. |
此致, |
Sincerely, |
[你的名字] |
[Your Name] |