中文 |
英文对话 |
场景一:初步协调项目时间表 |
Scenario 1: Initial Coordination of the Project Timeline |
你好,[同事/团队成员], |
Hi [Colleague/Team Member], |
我们需要协调一下项目的时间表。 |
We need to coordinate the project timeline. |
请看一下我们计划的关键里程碑,确认是否有冲突。 |
Please review the planned key milestones and check if there are any conflicts. |
我们的目标是确保每个阶段都能按时完成。 |
Our goal is to ensure that each phase is completed on time. |
你能提供你的可用时间吗? |
Could you provide your availability? |
谢谢! |
Thank you! |
中文 |
英文对话 |
场景二:更新项目进度 |
Scenario 2: Updating Project Progress |
你好,[同事/团队成员], |
Hi [Colleague/Team Member], |
我想更新一下项目进度。 |
I’d like to update the project progress. |
我们目前已经完成了第一阶段,并且正在进行第二阶段。 |
We have completed the first phase and are currently working on the second phase. |
请提供你那部分的最新进展和预计完成时间。 |
Could you provide the latest progress on your part and the estimated completion time? |
这样我们可以确保整体进度的协调。 |
This way, we can ensure the overall coordination of the project. |
谢谢! |
Thank you! |
中文 |
英文对话 |
场景三:讨论工作进度延迟 |
Scenario 3: Discussing Work Progress Delays |
你好,[同事/团队成员], |
Hi [Colleague/Team Member], |
我们注意到你的工作进度有些延迟。 |
We’ve noticed that there’s been some delay in your work progress. |
有什么问题或障碍导致这个延迟吗? |
Are there any issues or barriers causing this delay? |
让我们一起讨论解决方案,以确保项目按计划推进。 |
Let’s discuss solutions together to ensure the project stays on track. |
谢谢你的配合。 |
Thank you for your cooperation. |
中文 |
英文对话 |
场景四:调整项目时间表 |
Scenario 4: Adjusting the Project Timeline |
你好,[同事/团队成员], |
Hi [Colleague/Team Member], |
我们需要调整项目的时间表,因为有一些新的需求。 |
We need to adjust the project timeline due to some new requirements. |
请查看下面的修订时间表,并确认是否有冲突。 |
Please review the revised timeline below and confirm if there are any conflicts. |
我们计划在下周五前完成修改,请确保你的部分能够按时交付。 |
We plan to complete the revisions by next Friday, so please ensure that your part is delivered on time. |
谢谢! |
Thank you! |