中文 |
英文对话 |
场景一:一般邀请 |
Scenario 1: General Invitation |
你好,[同学的名字], |
Hi [Classmate’s Name], |
我们的考试快到了,我想邀请你一起复习。 |
Our exam is coming up, and I’d like to invite you to study together. |
我们可以在图书馆或者咖啡馆见面。 |
We could meet at the library or a café. |
你觉得哪个时间比较方便? |
What time would work best for you? |
期待你的回复! |
Looking forward to your reply! |
中文 |
英文对话 |
场景二:学习小组 |
Scenario 2: Study Group |
你好,[同学的名字], |
Hi [Classmate’s Name], |
我们在数学课上讨论过组建一个学习小组,你有兴趣加入吗? |
We discussed forming a study group in math class. Are you interested in joining? |
我们可以一起讨论问题,交换笔记,帮助彼此准备考试。 |
We could discuss problems, exchange notes, and help each other prepare for exams. |
如果你感兴趣,请告诉我。 |
If you’re interested, please let me know. |
谢谢! |
Thank you! |
中文 |
英文对话 |
场景三:具体安排 |
Scenario 3: Specific Arrangement |
你好,[同学的名字], |
Hi [Classmate’s Name], |
我们计划在周五下午一起学习。 |
We’re planning to study together on Friday afternoon. |
我们可以讨论上次课的内容和准备下次的作业。 |
We could review the material from the last class and prepare for the next assignment. |
你可以在这个时间加入我们吗? |
Can you join us at this time? |
期待你的加入! |
Looking forward to having you! |
中文 |
英文对话 |
场景四:互相帮助 |
Scenario 4: Mutual Help |
你好,[同学的名字], |
Hi [Classmate’s Name], |
我在生物课的复习上遇到了一些困难。 |
I’m having some trouble with reviewing for biology. |
我知道你对这门课很有了解,能否请你帮助我一下? |
I know you’re knowledgeable about the subject. Could you help me out? |
我们可以在周末找个时间一起解决问题。 |
We could find some time on the weekend to work through the issues together. |
谢谢! |
Thank you! |