


中文 英文对话
场景一:提供学习资源建议 Scenario 1: Offering Suggestions for Study Resources
嗨,[同学的名字], Hi [Classmate’s Name],
我注意到你在复习生物时遇到了一些困难。你可以尝试使用一些在线资源,比如Khan Academy I noticed you’re having some trouble with biology revision. You might want to try using some online resources, like Khan Academy.
谢谢你的建议!你觉得这类资源有用吗? Thanks for the suggestion! Do you think these kinds of resources are useful?
是的,它们通常很有帮助,尤其是在理解复杂概念时。 Yes, they are usually very helpful, especially for understanding complex concepts.
好的,我会试试看。 Okay, I’ll give it a try.
中文 英文对话
场景二:提供学习技巧 Scenario 2: Offering Study Tips
你好,[同学的名字], Hi [Classmate’s Name],
我听说你在准备期末考试时有点焦虑。你可以试试制定一个学习计划,每天安排固定的学习时间 I heard you’re feeling a bit anxious about preparing for the final exams. You might want to try making a study plan and setting specific study times each day.
这是个好主意!我应该如何制定计划 That’s a good idea! How should I make a plan?
你可以将所有的科目分配到每天的时间表里,并确保安排休息时间。这样可以帮助你保持专注 You can allocate all subjects into a daily schedule, and make sure to include break times. This helps you stay focused.
明白了,谢谢你的建议! Got it, thanks for the advice!
中文 英文对话
场景三:帮助理解课堂内容 Scenario 3: Helping Understand Class Content
嗨,[同学的名字], Hi [Classmate’s Name],
我看到你在理解化学反应方面有困难。如果你需要帮助,我可以和你一起复习这些反应机制 I noticed you’re struggling with understanding chemical reactions. If you need help, I can review these reaction mechanisms with you.
那太好了!我们什么时候可以见面 That’s great! When can we meet?
我们可以利用周末时间,或者在放学后找个时间。 We can use the weekend, or find a time after school.
好的,我会安排时间。 Okay, I’ll arrange the time.



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