


中文 英文对话
场景一:分享学习技巧 Scenario 1: Sharing Study Tips
嗨,[同学的名字], Hi [Classmate’s Name],
我发现制定学习计划对我很有帮助。你可以每天分配时间给不同的科目,这样可以提高效率 I’ve found that making a study plan is really helpful for me. You can allocate time each day for different subjects, which can improve efficiency.
这听起来不错!你是怎么制定计划的? That sounds good! How do you make a plan?
我会列出所有的任务,然后按优先级排序每天复习一部分 I list all the tasks, then prioritize them, and review a part each day.
明白了,我也试试这个方法。 Got it, I’ll try this method too.
中文 英文对话
场景二:推荐学习资源 Scenario 2: Recommending Study Resources
你好,[同学的名字], Hi [Classmate’s Name],
如果你在写作方面遇到困难,我推荐你使用 Grammarly。它是一个很好的语法检查工具 If you’re having trouble with writing, I recommend using Grammarly. It’s a great grammar checking tool.
真的?这个工具可以怎么用 Really? How do you use this tool?
你只需要注册一个账户,然后在写作时使用它,它会自动检查并提供建议 You just need to create an account, then use it while writing, and it will automatically check and provide suggestions.
谢谢,我会试试的。 Thanks, I’ll give it a try.
中文 英文对话
场景三:分享学习方法 Scenario 3: Sharing Study Methods
嗨,[同学的名字], Hi [Classmate’s Name],
我发现复习笔记时使用闪卡特别有效。你可以在 Quizlet 上创建闪卡帮助记忆关键概念 I’ve found that using flashcards is especially effective for reviewing notes. You can create flashcards on Quizlet, which helps with memorizing key concepts.
这是个好主意!如何创建闪卡 That’s a good idea! How do you create flashcards?
你可以输入每张卡片的内容,然后进行测试。Quizlet 也有一些现成的卡片 You can enter the content for each card, and then test yourself. Quizlet also has some pre-made flashcards.
谢谢,我会尝试这个工具。 Thanks, I’ll try this tool.



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