


中文 英文对话
场景一:讨论团队目标 Scenario 1: Discussing Team Goals
大家好,我们需要明确团队目标。我们的目标是赢得比赛还是提高技能 Hi everyone, we need to clarify our team goals. Is our goal to win the competition or to improve our skills?
我认为我们应该重点关注提高技能,这样我们即使没有赢也能获得经验。 I think we should focus on improving our skills. That way, even if we don’t win, we gain valuable experience.
我同意,我们可以设定一些具体的目标,比如掌握关键知识点 I agree. We can set some specific objectives, like mastering key concepts.
好的,我们会每周检查一次进度,确保我们朝着目标前进。 Okay, we’ll check our progress weekly to ensure we’re moving towards our goals.
中文 英文对话
场景二:分配任务和责任 Scenario 2: Assigning Tasks and Responsibilities
我们需要分配任务,确保每个人都有明确的责任 We need to assign tasks and ensure everyone has clear responsibilities.
我可以负责研究工作数据分析 I can handle the research work and data analysis.
那么,我来负责制作演示文稿,并进行演讲练习 In that case, I’ll take care of creating the presentation and doing presentation practice.
我们还需要安排一些团队会议**,讨论进展和调整计划。 We also need to schedule some team meetings** to discuss progress and adjust our plans.
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场景三:解决团队冲突 Scenario 3: Resolving Team Conflicts
我们遇到了一些分歧,如何解决这些冲突 We have encountered some disagreements. How do we resolve these conflicts?
我们可以通过开诚布公的讨论来解决问题,确保每个人都能表达意见。 We can resolve issues by having open and honest discussions, making sure everyone can voice their opinions.
另外,我们可以考虑设立一个中立的调解人,帮助解决争议。 Additionally, we could consider appointing a neutral mediator to help resolve disputes.
是的,让我们安排一个会议时间**,专门讨论这些问题。 Yes, let’s schedule a meeting time** to specifically address these issues.
中文 英文对话
场景四:确认进展和调整计划 Scenario 4: Confirming Progress and Adjusting Plans
我们的截止日期快到了,我们需要确认进展。大家的任务完成情况如何? With our deadline approaching, we need to confirm our progress. How is everyone doing with their tasks?
我已经完成了数据收集初步分析,现在在等待结果验证 I’ve completed the data collection and preliminary analysis and am now waiting for result verification.
我在制作演示文稿,预计在两天内完成。 I’m working on the presentation materials and expect to finish in two days.
很好,我们还需要检查所有材料的准确性**,并做最后的调整。 Great, we also need to review the accuracy of all materials** and make final adjustments.



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