


中文 英文对话
场景一:接受绩效反馈 Scenario 1: Receiving Performance Feedback
老板,我收到您的绩效反馈,感谢您花时间进行评价。 Boss, I received your performance feedback. Thank you for taking the time to evaluate me.
您提到我在项目管理方面有些不足,能否详细说明一下? You mentioned that I have some shortcomings in project management. Could you elaborate on that?
我会认真对待您的反馈,并制定改进计划 I will take your feedback seriously and develop a plan for improvement.
中文 英文对话
场景二:讨论改进计划 Scenario 2: Discussing Improvement Plan
针对您提到的改进点,我制定了以下改进计划 Based on the areas for improvement you mentioned, I have developed the following improvement plan.
我打算在接下来的两个月内提升我的时间管理技能 I plan to improve my time management skills over the next two months.
您对这个计划有何建议调整 Do you have any suggestions or adjustments for this plan?
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场景三:寻求资源支持 Scenario 3: Requesting Resource Support
为了更有效地实施我的改进计划,我需要一些额外的资源支持 To implement my improvement plan more effectively, I need some additional resource support.
能否提供培训课程指导来帮助我提升相关技能? Could you provide training courses or mentoring to help me develop the necessary skills?
这些资源将有助于我更快地达到预期目标 These resources will help me achieve the desired goals more quickly.
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场景四:定期跟进进度 Scenario 4: Regular Progress Check
我们计划每两周进行一次进度跟进,以确保改进计划的顺利实施。 We plan to have a progress check every two weeks to ensure the improvement plan is on track.
在下次会议中,我将汇报我的进展遇到的挑战 In the next meeting, I will report on my progress and any challenges I encounter.
您是否有其他的期望目标需要我关注? Do you have any additional expectations or goals that I should focus on?
中文 英文对话
场景五:总结反馈和计划 Scenario 5: Summarizing Feedback and Plan
总结一下,我们讨论了我的绩效反馈改进计划 To summarize, we discussed my performance feedback and the improvement plan.
我会在下个月进行阶段性总结,并根据反馈做出调整。 I will provide a progress update next month and make adjustments based on the feedback.
谢谢您的指导,我会努力实现改进 Thank you for your guidance. I will work hard to achieve the improvements.



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