


中文 英语对话场景
场景一:基于绩效请求加薪 Scenario 1: Requesting a Raise Based on Performance
A: 你好,[老板的名字],我想讨论一下我的绩效表现薪资调整 Hi [Boss’s Name], I’d like to discuss my performance and a potential salary adjustment.
B: 当然,你最近的工作表现很出色。你有什么具体的加薪请求吗? Certainly, your recent performance has been excellent. Do you have a specific raise request in mind?
A: 基于我在项目管理客户关系维护中的贡献,我希望能有一个合理的薪资提升。我的工作成果包括成功完成了几个关键项目提高了客户满意度 Based on my contributions in project management and client relationship maintenance, I would like to discuss a reasonable salary increase. My achievements include successfully completing several key projects and improving client satisfaction.
B: 我会考虑你的请求,并与HR讨论。 I will consider your request and discuss it with HR.
中文 英语对话场景
场景二:请求加薪以匹配市场水平 Scenario 2: Requesting a Raise to Match Market Standards
A: 嗨,[老板的名字],我查阅了行业薪资标准,发现我的薪资水平低于市场平均水平 Hi [Boss’s Name], I’ve reviewed industry salary standards and found that my salary level is below the market average.
B: 是吗?你能具体说明一下吗? Really? Could you provide more details?
A: 根据行业调查,我的职位在市场上的薪资范围通常在X到Y之间。为了保持竞争力,我希望能够调整薪资以匹配这些水平。 According to industry surveys, the salary range for my position is typically between X and Y. To remain competitive, I would like to adjust my salary to align with these levels.
B: 我会把这些信息考虑在内。 I’ll take this information into consideration.
中文 英语对话场景
场景三:请求加薪以反映额外的责任 Scenario 3: Requesting a Raise to Reflect Additional Responsibilities
A: 你好,[老板的名字],自从我开始承担额外的职责后,我想讨论一下薪资调整的事宜。 Hi [Boss’s Name], since I’ve started taking on additional responsibilities, I’d like to discuss adjusting my salary.
B: 你能具体说明一下这些额外的职责吗? Can you specify what additional responsibilities you’ve taken on?
A: 我最近负责了多个新项目团队管理,这些任务超出了我的原始岗位描述。为了反映这些额外的工作量,我希望能有一个相应的薪资调整 Recently, I’ve been handling multiple new projects and team management, which go beyond my original job description. To reflect this additional workload, I’m hoping for a corresponding salary adjustment.
B: 明白了,我会评估你的请求。 Understood, I’ll evaluate your request.
中文 英语对话场景
场景四:请求加薪以应对生活成本上升 Scenario 4: Requesting a Raise Due to Increased Cost of Living
A: 嗨,[老板的名字],随着生活成本的上涨,我希望讨论一下薪资调整 Hi [Boss’s Name], with the rising cost of living, I’d like to discuss adjusting my salary.
B: 我理解生活成本的增加可能带来挑战。你有具体的薪资要求吗? I understand that the rising cost of living can be challenging. Do you have a specific salary request?
A: 我希望能够有一个适当的薪资调整,以帮助我应对生活成本的增加。这个调整将有助于确保我的薪资保持在合理范围内 I’m hoping for a reasonable salary adjustment to help me cope with the increased cost of living. This adjustment will help ensure my salary remains within a reasonable range.
B: 我会考虑你的请求,并与你进一步讨论。 I’ll consider your request and discuss it with you further.



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